Advisory Board

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The role of our Advisory Board

As a project of Community Partners, our Advisory Board takes on all of the responsibilities of a Governance Board. Operating under the umbrella of Community Partners’ 501c3 designation, their Board of Directors is the legal board of record for all of the 180+ projects that are part of that organization along with Wildwoods. Community Partners’ board does not directly engage with projects, provides no governance oversight, nor provides any financial support. All of those duties are performed by the individuals listed here. Wildwoods would not exist without their dedication and service.

Andra Brosh, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

Shehan De Silva

Capital Group
Product Manager

Fatima Ejubovic

Oaktree Capital Management
Vice President

Traci Fleming

House of Honey

Sara Mascall

Head of Tech & Telco Strategic Partnerships
Bloomberg Media

Greg Mooradian


Dwain Wilson

Founder and Executive Director

Andra Brosh

Sara Mascall

Greg Mooradian​

Shehan De Silva​

Fatima Ejubovic​

Dwain Wilson​

Traci Fleming​

Deep Roots Council

Our Deep Roots Council is made up of exemplary Advisory Board alumni who remain connected to Wildwoods and support the organization with their wisdom, insight, and guidance.

Paul Conney


Michelle Dornfeld


Joseph Lightfoot


Jelani Odlum
