A standards-based exploration of the role of water in our lives, for grades 4 – 8.
A Drop in the Bucket, developed in alignment with California standards is a hands-on program designed to promote awareness of local, regional, and global water issues—especially the California drought—and what everyone can do to help conserve our most precious natural resource. We can offer in-person programming or distance learning through real-time live streaming.
What's included:
Your Students Will Explore:
For questions or help signing up, reach out to drop@wildwoodsla.org
See what teachers from past programs have to say.
"I love how the program gives my students the chance to get hands-on experience with these basic concepts of science. What a great complement to our NGSS work! AND they learn how to conserve water."
Marcy G. 5th-grade teacher
"Wow. What a great program. This was my
first time with A Drop in the Bucket, and it's
about more than Science. It fit perfectly into
our Social Studies unit."
Jorge R 6th-grade teacher
A Drop in the Bucket is made possible by:
The program is FREE to schools within the service areas of these agencies. For details and questions about this program, please reach out to programs@wildwoodsla.org